Life Science Quiz - Part-1 - Favsol

Life Science Quiz - Part-1 - Favsol


Life Science Quiz Part-1

Q1. Which is the largest organelle in Eukaryotic cell ?
 A :   Nucleus

Q2. Who gave the name CELL for the first time?
A :  Robert Hooke

Q3. Who used Heavy Nitrogen(N15) for proving semiconservative
DNA replication?
A :  Meselson & Stahi

Q4. Who proposed one gene enzyme hypothesis?
A : Beadle & Tatum

Q5. What is the pH of Blood Plasam?
A : 7.4

Q6. Which Law is an exception to Mendel's Law?
 A : Law of Segregation

Q7. What is the Ratio of Mendel's DiHybrid Ratio?
A :  9 : 3 : 3 : 1
Q8. Who proposed 'Protoplasm Theory'?
A :  Schultze

Q9. Which cell possess both Linear and circular molecules of DNA?
A :  Eukaryotic Cells

Q10. What is the term given for a Human cell that contains 22 pairs
of Autosomes and 2 X-chromosomes?
A :  A Female somatic cell

Q11. In which cell organelle, Photophosphorylation takes place?
A :   Chloroplast

Q12. What is the name of the process that involves Gametes
A :  Meiosis

Q13. Which micro-organism causes Ring worm?
A :  Fungus

Q14. Why Mendel  chose pea plant?
A :  Because pea plant have seven pairs of contrasting characters

Q15. Who first coined the term 'Genetics'?
A : W Bateson

Q16. Which micro-organism causes Hepatitis-B, that affects Liver?
A : Virus

Q17. What are Tendons made up of?
A :  Collagen

Q18. In which stage, the chromosome is single, thin and like a thread?
A : Leptotene

Q19. What is the property that makes DNA different from RNA?
           (Hint: DNA does not have this property?
A : Uracil

Q20. Which is the Complex carbonic acid and most important macromolecules of cell?
A : Nucleic Acid

Q21. Which theory explains the structure of Protoplasm?
A : Colloidal Theory

Q22. Which enzyme is required by the plant for the process of
A : RuBP

Q23. Which is known as the Power House of the Cell?
A :  Mitochondria

Q24. What is the major role of RNA?
A :  Protein Synthesis

Q25. Histamine is secreted by which cells?
A :  Mast cells


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